After a decade of it was time to take a new direction. The new website is different from previous incarnations in several major ways. Yes it has a fresh look, some new products and perhaps in many ways has slimmed down to make it simpler to use but none of this is what I’m driving at.
Firstly, The new Fightstorepro website is firmly to centre on its base in Team Valley, Gateshead. Previously the store and the website were kept very separate for all manner of reasons but from 2020 we reflect the values of the store on the website (More later!) and the website will very much reflect the store in its operation and product choice.
Secondly we have looked at the developments in the martial arts and fight sports industry, new brands and the general changes in the market. Post Amazon and Ebay brands are infiltrating the real market now and often are successfully marketing bad design and poor quality to a less than informed public. This makes the product choice Fightstorepro champions even more important. We invested a lot of time into reviews and bringing forth good products to the Fight store website, but more controversially we solidly rejected poor ones.
Trade Pricing to the Public! Thirdly, we made the decision to make changes to the way we market the Fight store site. When I first launched Fightstorepro Google Shopping was FREE! Facebook had only just got started whilst Amazon was largely still selling books.
So much has changed in the way people purchase Fight equipment that we have made the decision to take Fightstorepro further into the niche we really believe in, selling only Fight gear that represents true value for money, is fit for its intended purpose and supports the community we came out of. We have decided to largely drop paid advertising such as Google Ads and not pay huge commissions to the likes of Amazon preferring to pass these savings to our core customers.
To access these savings you must have a Fightstorepro account and receive our communications but this is a small price to pay for great savings, indepth equipment advice and the values of a small, independent store selling the best gear on the market today.