Strikeback is a British action and military television series airing on Sky TV based on a novel of the same name by novelist and former Special Air Service (SAS) soldier Chris Ryan. The series follows the actions of Section 20, a secretive branch of the British Defence Intelligence service (DI), who operate several high risk, priority missions throughout the globe.
Bisping who has already had several acting credits along side his UFC Fight Career, including a stint as a bad guy in British soap “Hollyoaks” had a part in the latest season of Strikeback with filming taking place in Bangkok, Thailand in February. With “The Count”’s fight camp for upcoming bout against Tim Kennedy to commence when he returned to California, Mike took the opportunity to get some Muay Thai sessions in at Keatkhamtorn Gym in the Khannayao District of Bangkok.Keatkhamtorn is a well established and highly regarded professional Muay Thai gym which is home to a large stable of full time professional fighting Thai’s. The Gym has close ties to SANDEE and is where any new SANDEE products are tested for durability for months before going into large scale production.
Keatkhamtorn is owned by Mr. Teerawat Chukorn (Pictured below) who is not only owner of the gym and a lifelong fan of Muay Thai the national sport of Thailand but is also a Luietenant in Thai Royal Police. Mr Chukorn's most successful fighter is probably Nopparat Keatkhamtorn a highly decorated Muay Thai boxer gaining the following titles :- Lumpini Champion 126 lbs (2005), Lumpini Champion 130 lbs (2009), Thailand Champion 130 lbs (2009), S1 World Champion 140 lbs (2011) S1 World Champion 160 lbs (2012) Nopparat (pictured below) was taking a break in his home town in the South of Thailand, but came back to Bangkok earlier just to do some sparring with Bisping. Bisping who is known for his outstanding cardio was been put through round after round of padwork with the trainers at Keatkhamtorn and despite the Bangkok heat and humidity was looking in good shape even before the start of his fight camp which will culminate in his bout against Kennedy on April 16th in Quebec City.Ironically although Strikeback is a fictional drama about Special Forces soldiers, Kennedy the California native is a former United States Army Special Forces Ranger, but will this be any kind of deciding factor against the Brit who has much more experience fighting in the Octagon?
The fight takes place- Michael Bisping vs Tim Kennedy on The Ultimate Fighter Nations Finale on April 16, 2014, Quebec City.
Mike uses SANDEE Ltd Classic Gloves available from FightstorePro and SANDEE SBS MKII Shinguards available here from FightstorePro
For more info about training at Keatkhamtorn visit their website or facebook page