MMA is the Greatest sport on Earth.
MMA is the truest, most unforgiving and human sport in the history of mankind.
Since before the days of constructions of stone, we have partaken and been spectators to one on one combat.
There is, unlike almost every other sport, no 'playing' MMA.
Since the dawn of time the spectacle of combat has been something that emotionally engages every human being that witnesses it, if a fight breaks out, crowds gather, if the fight is of a quality, crowds cheer, if the fight is of a spectacle, crowds erect colosseums.
In MMA, if you really boil it down to the core of what it is we are witnessing, is simulated mortal combat. The referee and commission being the only defenders of the fighters, from what would be murder should a match continue for a mere few more seconds after it is declared decided, and someone is finished on the canvas. Every weekend, we tune in to watch warriors go head to head inside a steel cage, with the tools and capability to kill one another trade blows and shots until someone is decided the victor.
Under the game of extreme consequences, only the most sharpened minds and souls on the earth can play chess. One of the most admirable and mystical things about an elite level combat athlete, is their ability to be calm, and cool as ice, under the onslaught of furious, deadly strikes and unrestricted aggression. Sliding back millimetres to avoid a shot that would've ended their entire life's work and purpose, and laid them unconcious on their back, waking up in the hospital, only to deliver their own perfectly timed shot to do the same to their opponent, with ice in their veins.
The regular person most likely could not imagine ever wanting to be punched in the face, let alone locked in a cage for 25 minutes with a trained killer, almost naked, with everyone you know and thousands more watching and judging every move you make.
I'm not really selling it to you am i? Just getting started, hopping online and finding this article might give you the notion that maybe it's not such a good idea to get into MMA, but, regardless of the risk of sounding like hypocrite, it's the best thing you could ever do.
Simply because of the nature of what it is you'll be training for, every other aspect of your mind will be nurtured, your confidence, your ego (both trimming it down and building it stronger) your physicality, etc. Some wonder why people who have no intentions of fighting start MMA training, some ask why do it at all? many say, and i agree, it is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.
One cannot be TRULY good as a person, until they're capable of causing damage, maybe not willing, but capable. If you have no capability for damage, you can only hope that anyone who CAN damage you will not, you can only be helpless, so how could you be good when it is your only option? It's necessary for you (beyond normal inter-personal reasons).
Anyone can become a skilled martial artist, they can possess skills of combat and never have to use them, but they know they could, and that is EVERYTHING. MMA is the real option for people who want to become skilled in genuine unarmed combat, leave boxing and all the other, specialised and condensed arts at home, MMA is the one stop shop for becoming a warrior.
“A boxer is like a lion, the greatest predator on land. But you throw him in the shark tank and he’s just another meal.”
Renzo Gracie
A real strong fighter should always look dignified and calm... I believe that any expression of aggression is an expression of weakness.
Fedor Emelianenko
“We’re scousers. We don’t get knocked out.”
Paddy Pimblett
Ok, so you do want to start MMA? Good. Here is what you will need as a starter, brand new, with no equipment.
SHORTS - It is important to go to your first session with a decent pair of shorts, without pockets or zippers, this is to avoid cuts, snags, and unwanted entanglements. Don't underestimate the importance of this as many do, and pay for it in injury.
GLOVES - A good pair of kickboxing gloves, are the best start for an MMA beginner, don't be fooled by the MMA style glove design, they are for MMA sparring, intended for people who know how to punch correctly, you can injure your hands without that added protection of a full glove. You'll have a way to go before you need them, so get yourself a pair of 12-16oz gloves, dependent on your weight.
GUM SHIELD - Getting hit in the mouth, isn't pleasurable, sure, but getting hit in the mouth without a gum shield is worse. Even if you aren't sparring yet, you need one, clashes of heads are common, and the last thing you want to do is clash your teeth or bite your tongue.
PROTECTIVE CUP - Now i shouldn't need to tell you getting hit in the nuts is bad, even for the ladies this rings true. (those without nuts and with) Again, you don't need to be sparring for it to happen, someone can accidentally knock them, or worse KNEEL on them. Trust me, get a groin guard.
PERSEVERANCE - After you have all the things you need to get going, you need to understand one thing, in the beginning, you are probably going to suck, and that's okay! Everyone sucks when they first start something, it's the people who keep on sucking until they don't who get good, and that can take longer or shorter depending on your commitment, age and athleticism. Just keep turning up, training safe, and you will get good. It's not about the years, it's about the hours you put in, and hard work shines through.
Optional additions
A good coach - To many people, this may be something out of reach, but don't despair, there are resources online to get you up to a decent standard before you can find one to really take you to the next level, everyone has to start somewhere, and doing something is more often than not better than nothing, provided you're taking information from a reputable and legit source.
Hand Wraps - To be honest, it should probably be on the essentials list, but in the beginnings of MMA striking you should be focused on footwork and form before power, but it never hurts to have the added protection that you WILL need later down the line.
ALL of the necessary products are available for purchase online at
If you would like advice on our line of products, or anything to do with us in general, don't hesitate to contact us in via the contact methods in our 'contact us' section.