has been linked with various fight brands over the years and whilst some are pretty dull there are many which have a rich history, perhaps that the wider public are largely unaware of.
Did you know Venum are French? Badboy was bought by a team of lawyers from San Diego? Fairtex used to sell Tee Shirts in department stores in Bangkok or that Revgear's owner sold heavy bags from the back of his Ford Mustang in the mid 90's? How about the fact Top King was a split from the Twins brand or how Jaco transformed into Tenacity due to a copyright issue around a German football brand.
Gear Guru Alex Wright has always had a thing or two to say about brands but largely has aired thoughts around the misconceptions he hears from the public, often to do with a perception of quality associated with either advertising claims or false information in the equivalent of Fight brand urban myth.
In this Blog & Vlog series Fightstorepro owner and vlogger, Alex Wright, explores the history of Fightstore's most popular brands including a couple no longer with us.
If you want to know what was really involved in making the gear you buy? Why some brands are so expensive and some are not? Why quality is a decision not an accident and how brands evolve then this is a great insight into the engine room of the fight sports industry.