Lanchana Green is an active fighter and strength and conditioning coach based out of The Lab, Darlington. As a long-term Muay Thai competitor and MMA and BJJ trainee, Lanchana heads the strength training of all the athletes fighting out of the Teeside gym. Exclusively for, she has graciously written a guide to finding the right S&C coach.
What to look for in a good S&C coach, in particular for MMA
Looking for a Strength & Conditioning coach to help take your fight game to the next level? Then coming up are a few qualities to look out for. Usually your seeking out a strength coach because your looking to improve performance so if you’ve heard of some ‘coach’ being completely brutal, with their clients puking during sessions, this doesn’t necessarily make them a good coach and doesn’t really improve your performance - I’m sure you’ve just had a really nutritious pre workout meal why would you want to see it again?! There’s a time and place for intense sessions but puking should not be the aim of it. Anyone can list a load of exercises on a board but if there’s no structure, goal or purpose then what’s the point? So here’s a heads up on what to look out for:
1) Injury prevention - ask a fighter if they are OK to continue, they’ll say yes, even if one eye is shut, there’s a cut on their forehead and they are just to say still standing. That mindset and willingness to carry on and fight is instinct, quitting, giving up, throwing in the towel just isn’t in their nature, which is why it is up to their coach to do that for them. Just like corner men have their fighters best interests at heart, it should go exactly the same for the strength coach and their client, your coach shouldn’t be forcing you through an extra set if your clearly fatigued, or have you ‘working through injuries’, work around yes, not persevere and cause more potential damage.
2) Understanding of your sport - your coach doesn’t need to have experience in your chosen sport but must understand the body mechanics involved and have a good idea of what goes on. It’s no good a coach getting you super strong and able to press 2 x your body weight…if you're running a marathon. I’m guessing you're not running a marathon if your reading this but you get the idea!
3) Adaptability - when there are so many disciplines to train, you could be going to your S&C session with jelly legs from wrestling or you’ve occurred a small injury from sparring etc, your coach should be able to adapt movements to still get the best out of your session without making any injuries worse or further breaking your body down. The session should not impair your performance for your other training.
4) Simple & Effective - whatever your coach has you doing should work, it doesn’t have to be fancy or new, it just has to work and you should be able to see and feel the results.
You know yourself better than anyone, try out a session and see if it works for you. Choose someone who can motivate you, support you and be just as positive and passionate as you are in your success.
Written by Lanchana Green
To contact Lanchana for questions and coaching, please follow THIS LINK.

Finding the right strength & conditioning coach
Created on Updated onLanchana Green is an active fighter and strength and conditioning coach based out of The Lab, Darlington. As a long-term Muay Thai competitor and MMA and BJJ trainee, Lanchana heads the strength training of all the athletes fighting out of the Teeside gym. Exclusively for, she has graciously written a guide to finding the right S&C coach.
What to look for in a good S&C coach, in particular for MMA
Looking for a Strength & Conditioning coach to help take your fight game to the next level? Then coming up are a few qualities to look out for. Usually your seeking out a strength coach because your looking to improve performance so if you’ve heard of some ‘coach’ being completely brutal, with their clients puking during sessions, this doesn’t necessarily make them a good coach and doesn’t really improve your performance - I’m sure you’ve just had a really nutritious pre workout meal why would you want to see it again?! There’s a time and place for intense sessions but puking should not be the aim of it. Anyone can list a load of exercises on a board but if there’s no structure, goal or purpose then what’s the point? So here’s a heads up on what to look out for:
1) Injury prevention - ask a fighter if they are OK to continue, they’ll say yes, even if one eye is shut, there’s a cut on their forehead and they are just to say still standing. That mindset and willingness to carry on and fight is instinct, quitting, giving up, throwing in the towel just isn’t in their nature, which is why it is up to their coach to do that for them. Just like corner men have their fighters best interests at heart, it should go exactly the same for the strength coach and their client, your coach shouldn’t be forcing you through an extra set if your clearly fatigued, or have you ‘working through injuries’, work around yes, not persevere and cause more potential damage.
2) Understanding of your sport - your coach doesn’t need to have experience in your chosen sport but must understand the body mechanics involved and have a good idea of what goes on. It’s no good a coach getting you super strong and able to press 2 x your body weight…if you're running a marathon. I’m guessing you're not running a marathon if your reading this but you get the idea!
3) Adaptability - when there are so many disciplines to train, you could be going to your S&C session with jelly legs from wrestling or you’ve occurred a small injury from sparring etc, your coach should be able to adapt movements to still get the best out of your session without making any injuries worse or further breaking your body down. The session should not impair your performance for your other training.
4) Simple & Effective - whatever your coach has you doing should work, it doesn’t have to be fancy or new, it just has to work and you should be able to see and feel the results.
You know yourself better than anyone, try out a session and see if it works for you. Choose someone who can motivate you, support you and be just as positive and passionate as you are in your success.
Written by Lanchana Green
To contact Lanchana for questions and coaching, please follow THIS LINK.