Nutrition is seen as a complex thing. There are so many methods and principles that it easy to get confused by all the information that is out there. People know that to become a successful fighter you need to pay close attention to what (and when) you eat.
However simply having ‘good nutrition’ isn’t a sound plan. You need to have a structured plan that caters for your needs (cutting weight, building muscle, losing fat). Also within your nutrition you need have certain priorities that compliment your training and recovery.
Just as in your training, you want to have priorities in your nutrition programme so that you can achieve your maximum potential in the cage, in the ring or on the mat.
When I talk about having good priorities in your nutrition, what I mean is that when you set up a nutritional plan what are the main factors that it will always address?
Speaking to many fighters their priorities look like this,
- Body weight
- Performance
- Having treats or planned cheats to keep sane.
- Health.
- Performance.
- Bodyweight.