The Workout of the day or WOD as they have become known is a small group of exercises done with the aim of pushing the athlete on a daily basis and giving members of a "Cross Fit" Style gym (I use the brand name loosely to describe the training style)
So I've been pushing myself harder recently with the help of Strength and Conditioning expert James Murray at Urban Fit Gym in Throckley near Newcastle.
This one was a bit of a killer and was deceptively difficult but I though worth a mention on Fightstorepro's blog as its very relevant to combat athletes.
- 1000m Row at Level 6 on Rowing maching aiming to power it out fast
- GMD sit ups x 30
- 20 Deadlifts (I started on 70 kg but dropped to 40 by the end)
- 100 two foot jumps (James describes as skips)/30 knees to chest